Sunday, 10 July 2011

Soon to be monthly :D

Last Saturday, i went out with my two high school girlfriends and their boyfriends :D You know that giddy feeling whenever you catch up with old friends?! I haven't seen June for the longest time, perhaps since high school but we somehow kept in touch thru social networking, im an avid viewer of her chic photos ;D June is the queen bee, the epitome of beauty and brains,the witty and outgoing that can outsmart just anybody with her charms. Grace among the 3 of us is the lesser daldal,she has been my friend since ever and we go out every so often, we constantly keep in touch  and we can talk just about anything and everything under the sun plus she knows just about everything about my life's happenings even my deepest darkest secrets hehehe. Put them both together with their beaus over a sumptuous dinner=endless chikahan and a great great time. The nicest boyfriends Bim and Ivan just listened patiently and intently with our crazy kwentuhan and just nods in agreement wit our stories once in awhile. We've talked just about everything from our boyfies to work to travelling to past loves etc etc..:D Too bad we're pressed for time but we promised to do dates monthly plus were planning on a sort of couple trio trip early next year so yes we'll be spending more time together,yay!:D
Thank You Je and Gra for a wonderful Saturday night spent and to Ivan and Bim for keeping the ladies happy and pleased even if it meant listening to irrelevant chismis hehehe :D Here's to more saturday nights spent at Banapple, next time Momo naman for the cute waiters ha?! :D ♥xo

L-R(Je with that charming smile,Me as usual,Gracie in all her demure glory:D)
The sweet couples and me as their chaperone hehehe :D Ivan,Je,Me,Gra&Bim
the girls,again with our almost untouched plates :D
'till next time my loves!:D

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