Friday, 8 July 2011

Blissful Beginnings: Anne got hitched at HK

You know you're getting older when going out on a friday night doesn't appeal to you anymore, when people watching gets boring and you're constant girl friend no longer talks about boys and flings and dates. Instead, she tells you about how she sees herself 5 years from now, how madly in love she is with her beau and the next thing you  know she's engaged and while she leaves you breathless with that announcement she makes you skip a beat even more by dropping the wedding date..June 30 2011..and yeah it's already halfway thru May!!! Well, why am i surprised?! I got a crazy bunch of friends! Ann's announcement made me walk back memory lane (insert Fashionista by Jimmy James fo a great musical scoring here lol). Was it already 5 years ago when all we cared about was how much money can we scrimp from our allowances just so we can hang out on a friday night? Had it already been 5 years since i met this crazy bipolar friend of mine?! Had 5 years gone so fast that i haven't noticed it?! Am i that old?! Am i getting married next?! So i dig old files and check old pitures-i went from laughing to sobbing and's why...
this is us 5 years ago on my birthday (eric/ann/me&rain) we've always been crazy :D

that's me(leftmost) and ann (rightmost) with jeka and love when a good friday afternoon is usually spent having a fruitshake at greenbelt.

and yes our friendship had gone from coffee dates... 
to gay bar hopping with rain and eric...
were cool&crazy like that! Ü
And from that, in a span of how many years?! im sorry i lost count we are, the very first superfriends wedding-all smiles and some cries...braved the pacific ocean, the turbulence and the fear of heights,the immigration officer and the chinese language barrier just to be here with ann on her very special day,after all..that's what friends are for right?! :D
Mr&Mrs Mac Sabinano on the 30th of June 2011
I have so much faith in this couple, i know Ann loves Mac dearly and i've seen in Mac's eye how much he loved our Andrea. I'm confident that they can withstand whatever, whenever, wherever. After all, can you tell me any couple who kept it cool on their wedding day even if one's arm is almost broken and the other's got sore sore eyes as in real bloody red sore eyes?! Nah?! That's them! All smiles despite all the whims and drama and yes i love them both dearly..i can't wait to hug little anne's and little mac's, hurry please?! :D
kissy kissy ♥ ♥ ♥
superfriends family Ü
superfriends family with the honorary member Mac Ü
eating time Ü who has the fullest plate?!Ü
the emotional moment of mom&daughter
Can you see eric and rain in the background?! yes that's them wiping off tears with kleenex :D While Ann and Mac exchange i do's they start reminiscing everything from their crazy galera trip to eating lunch together at binags and sharing iced teas at frio :D I felt like crying too but i chose to hold it back and cherish the moment instead. Seeing Tita Beh sob and hug her bunso so tight made me remember our little conversation early that morning.Ann is lucky to have such supportive mom and tita on the other hand is lucky to have a responsible and mature daughter :D We are lucky too that tita appreciates our friendship and we know that she loves us as much as we love her  bunso. And so this is the essence of our Hong Kong trip, to celebrate love,life and friendship Ü Nothing but the best wishes for Ann and Mac and thank you for choosing us to become a part of your blissful beginning.Ü

Congratulations and remember you both got superfriends who love you to bits and pieces!;D

P.S: notice the weight gain in our pictures?! it's alarming!!'s the food and drinks shared over years and years of friendship that caused more love handles lol :D


  1. this was my favorite blog of yours.. hehehe..
    i just reminisced the old stuffs that we have shared , way back 5 years from now.., long live to us!.. (^,^)

  2. Love it hun! mwaaa... nice article po. keep posting more.

  3. Thank you for writing this article mother ella! Very beautiful. It really touched our hearts. We love you :)

    Ann and Mac
